Cuphead - Expert, No Damage & S Rank

► Cuphead - Expert, No Damage & S Rank

■ Game: Cuphead
■ Part: Expert
■ Type: Gameplay
■ Achievements Unlocked: Put On a Show, Sheriff, Boss, Mayor, King, Beat The Devil At His Own Game, Perfect Run, Bouncing Ball and Rolling Sixes

► Additional Info:
I've bought an Xbox and the 1st game I 1000ed was Cuphead so I thought that a video like this could help those who want to master the game and here it is ^^
I'm in no way perfect at this game, my runs can always be improved but this shows you a good Kitten-Proof method to get all the achievements above. Hope you like it ^^

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■ Credit for the outro song goes to TheFatRat ►

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